England 4L 6S
4L-6S, Juni 2022
Englandreise der 4L und 6S, Juni 2022
Bei einem legendären und äußerst intensiven Roadtrip - die 6S und 4L des GvPs fuhren mit einem Bus für insgesamt fast 13 Tage nach Großbritannien und wieder retour - lernten die SchülerInnen den Süden Englands von seinen schönsten Seiten kennen.
In Kooperation mit dem Verein Talente Oberösterreich, der für Hochbegabtenförderung zuständig ist, reisten wir sogar bis nach Cornwall, wo wir 4 Tage in Penzance und Umgebung vebringenn durften.
Doch die Worte von Lehrkräften treffen alles Erlebte weit weniger genau als jene von Jonathan H. aus der 6S, der die Reise in einem tollen Bericht hier zusammengefasst hat:
Tuesday June 14th. That is the day when we, the classes of 4L and 6S started our journey under supervision of Professor Reischl, Professor Fischer and Professor Hinterreitner. And with our trip-organizer Ulrike and our legendary bus-driver Roland joining, the group was completed.
After our first long drive we were able to experience a beautiful sunset on the ferry between Holland and Great Britain where we stayed for the night, too.
As we approached our first little town (Rye), many of us realized how cliché England actually was. There was literally everything from seeing people sipping tea at lunch to having nice conversations all the time because of the surprising kindness of the people.
Then we moved on to our first youth hostel in Brighton, continued our journey in Penzance / Land’s End, which already was at the very south-west of England. There we had a visit at St. Michaels Mount, which is the perfect example for most of our destinations: Go there, have a look at the most spectacular features, try to remember interesting facts, browse through the souvenir shop and say goodbye again already.
The highlight for most of us was the surfing at St. Ives. The tutors were funny and had us standing on the board after about 45 minutes.
Further we visited the Minack theatre, had a look at Mousehole [say: MAUSL] and went on to Wells, where we visited a giant cathedral. In Bath we could see the Roman swimming pools and Stratford was Shakespeare’s birthplace. After we had slept in Streatley, we could experience the university-town Oxford. We even went inside one and stood, where Harry Potter once was, in the first movie of the series.
You think seeing London in one day is impossible. Well, we did it. Admittedly, we hardly had a deeper look into sights, nevertheless we saw Oxford Street, St. Paul’s cathedral, Big Ben, London Eye and many other popular sights in London.
Our last destinations were Stonehenge, Salisbury, Winchester, the Royal Airforce museum in Edgeware (which undoubtedly was one of our highlights), Cambridge and last but not least Canterbury. On the ride back to Linz we didn’t sleep until 01:00 because Mr. Fischer, our DJ, provided the best Austrian Schmankerl and made us dance in the bus until Roland told us to sit down.
But our England-journey had so much more than just cities, cliches, cathedrals and beaches to offer. When I personally stepped into our coach, I didn’t know anybody from 4L. That changed during the first few days. Jokes were shared, werewolf-games played, and friendships made. It wasn’t easy all the time for everyone, but we had each other and, looking back, I can confidently say, that everyone has had amazing moments during those two weeks.
Before I finish this short review, there are some shoutouts, that need to be written down for eternity.
A BIG thanks to our three teachers, who carried us through those weeks, didn’t lose their cool once and assured us an unforgettable England journey.
Half a year was the immense time that it took Ulrike for planning the two weeks. Day for day, even hour for hour, and not one complication. A big thanks from all of us to you, Ulli!
I think this is a good moment to mention the effort of all the parents. England was not very cheap and realizing that our parents had to work hard to give us such an opportunity with such great mates, a BIG thank you to all the parents must be said.
Last, there is one guy we want to thank, who was likeable from the first moment on, caring throughout the journey, and the best bus driver the world has ever seen. We now all know his name and will never forget it: ROLAND
♫ ♫ And we danced, and we cried, and we laughed, and had a really really really good time ♫ ♫