- Edinburgh 7B
- Gardasee 7S
- Meeresbiologische Woche 7AT 7B 6B
- Klopeinersee 2ST
- Wien 4C
- Kitzsteinhorn 4ST
- Wientage 8AT
- Wientage 5S
- Hinterstoder 1ST
- Irland 7S
- Königswiesen 1C
- Cambridge 7CT
- Edinburgh 7B
- Weyregg 3AB
- Salzburg 5AT
- Kulturtage Wien 4A
- Königswiesen 1A
- Feuerkogel 5BS
- Sommersportwoche Lesachtal 5BST
- Sommersportwoche Radstadt 2ST
- Sommersportwoche Palfau 6B
- Schitage 1ST
- Wintersportwoche Gosau 3STCU
- Wintersportwoche Gosau 3AB
- Irland 7B
- Malaga 7A
- Sportwoche 5CTS
- Mauterndorf 2B
- Sportwoche 2STCU
- Sportwoche 4A
- Arlberg 7ST
- Salzburg 2CU
- Kunsttag Wien 5B
- Schikurs Hinterglemm 4CST 6B
- Südtirol 6A
- Cambridge 7B
- Obertraun 1S
- Wurzeralm 5CT
- Spital 1B
- Eisenaueralm 3A
- Meeresbiologische Woche
- Klopeinersee 2ST
- St. Petersburg
- Mauterndorf 2B
- St. Jakob 2C
- Wurzeralm 1CU
- Gardasee 6ST
- Schikurs Hinterstoder 3ST
- Schitage Wurzeralm 1CSTU
- Wien 4A
- Wien 5B
- Hinterglemm 4ST
- Gosau 3B4B
- England 7S
- München 7CT 8S
- Cambridge 7CT
- Königswiesen 1ST
- Königswiesen 1AB
- Malta 7B
- Projekttage 2A
Edinburgh 7B
7B, Oktober 2019
The Emerald Isle - 7S trip to Ireland
From Day 1 to Day 9 of our language trip to Ireland the weather played an important role – and it was fantastic, creating perfect atmospheres for our experiences. No matter whether we went cycling on the Aran Islands or walked along the Cliffs of Moher during our first weekend which we spent in the West around the lovely city of Galway, whether we went on a cliff walk from Bray (the city where we stayed with our host parents) to Greystones (home of the famous Happy Pear restaurant) or toured through Dublin (where the students did presentations on the mesmerizing sights of this grand ol´ city), the weather was our constant friend and contributed nicely to the mood.
The vast spaces of Inishmor where it was cold and windy, the sun rising across the stormy sea at the Cliffs of Moher, the welcoming sun shine at Bunratty Castle with its impressive medieval village and, last but not least, the great final day out, which we spent hiking around Glendalough (the valley of two lakes and former home of St. Kevin, second most important Christian hero of the Irish, including a twelve hundred year old monastery); all these famous sights and places have made a lasting impression on the students and ourselves and will never be forgotten.
Neither will the craic (Irish slang for fun) they had in class and the fun presentations (radio shows and interviews) to prove what they had learned throughout the week. An amazing week in a beautiful, friendly country that went way too fast!