English Week
5A-5BS-5T, Dezember 2018
Ende November fand bei uns am Georg von Peuerbach Gymnasium die English Week statt. Eine Woche, in der die Schüler/innen der 5. Klassen intensiv ihre englischen Sprachfähigkeiten unter Beweis stellen konnten, Neues erlernten und dabei sichtlich viel Vergnügen hatten.
Das Team aus Wales, angeleitet von Ralph Connor, arbeitete mit den 5. Klassen an unterschiedlichen Themen. Schwerpunkte waren dabei unter anderem Bankgeschäfte, Lebensläufe, Jobinterviews und Gerichtsverhandlungen. Dies geschah auf so humorvolle und spielerische Weise, dass die Zeit wie im Fluge verging.
Einer der Höhepunkte der Woche waren bestimmt die Theatersketche, die selbst verfasst und mit größter Motivation und Freude eingeübt wurden. Diese wurden als krönender Abschluss im Volkshaus Ferdinand Markl aufgeführt. Nicht nur die anwesenden Eltern waren von den Leistungen der Schüler/innen sichtlich begeistert. Auch die Lehrer/innen und Mitschüler/innen waren erstaunt, was die Darsteller/innen zeigten. So ging eine abwechslungsreiche und sprachlich intensive Woche zu Ende.
Gratulation an alle Beteiligten und danke an Ralph Connor und sein Team der English Week.
Eindrücke einiger Schüler/-innen der 5. Klassen:
“I liked the English Week a lot. The games were very funny. I loved the sketch at the end. The teachers were very nice, especially Ralph. I think the topics were very different so it never got boring. I would like to have a week like this more often than just once.” “I think the English Week was a great experience. I guess all students have improved their English skills. It was very funny to practise the script. The native speakers were very nice and friendly. I would like to do something like that again.”
“I think the English Week was a lot of fun. I enjoyed it very much because we were playing many games while we were learning new vocabulary. Especially the sketch we played at the end of the week in the “Volkshaus” was very cool. First, it was a bit difficult to find the right play but we finished it well.”
“My first thoughts about the English Week were that it would be very boring but after the first day I was really surprised because the native speakers and the lessons were really interesting and funny. In my opinion, the lessons of the English Week were much more interesting than normal school lessons. I think the English Week is a great way to improve your English skills and to learn speaking English more fluently.”
“Ralph is a man of honour. I learned so much during this week.”
“I think the English Week was a great experience for me. We had the great opportunity to improve our LIU (Language in Use) skills with native speakers! For myself, I think I have learned a lot about correct pronunciation because the natives showed us how to pronounce words. I think the job interview was very good, because it was the most useful exercise for me. We might need these things in the future.”
“The English Week was very funny and helpful. We learned a lot about pronunciation. We had to travel around the world, had to get money from a bank and pay bills. We also did a funny sketch. Our teachers John and Hannah were really friendly. It was a great week!”