- Edinburgh 7B
- Gardasee 7S
- Meeresbiologische Woche 7AT 7B 6B
- Klopeinersee 2ST
- Wien 4C
- Kitzsteinhorn 4ST
- Wientage 8AT
- Wientage 5S
- Hinterstoder 1ST
- Irland 7S
- Königswiesen 1C
- Cambridge 7CT
- Edinburgh 7B
- Weyregg 3AB
- Salzburg 5AT
- Kulturtage Wien 4A
- Königswiesen 1A
- Feuerkogel 5BS
- Sommersportwoche Lesachtal 5BST
- Sommersportwoche Radstadt 2ST
- Sommersportwoche Palfau 6B
- Schitage 1ST
- Wintersportwoche Gosau 3STCU
- Wintersportwoche Gosau 3AB
- Irland 7B
- Malaga 7A
- Sportwoche 5CTS
- Mauterndorf 2B
- Sportwoche 2STCU
- Sportwoche 4A
- Arlberg 7ST
- Salzburg 2CU
- Kunsttag Wien 5B
- Schikurs Hinterglemm 4CST 6B
- Südtirol 6A
- Cambridge 7B
- Obertraun 1S
- Wurzeralm 5CT
- Spital 1B
- Eisenaueralm 3A
- Meeresbiologische Woche
- Klopeinersee 2ST
- St. Petersburg
- Mauterndorf 2B
- St. Jakob 2C
- Wurzeralm 1CU
- Gardasee 6ST
- Schikurs Hinterstoder 3ST
- Schitage Wurzeralm 1CSTU
- Wien 4A
- Wien 5B
- Hinterglemm 4ST
- Gosau 3B4B
- England 7S
- München 7CT 8S
- Cambridge 7CT
- Königswiesen 1ST
- Königswiesen 1AB
- Malta 7B
- Projekttage 2A
Königswiesen 1ST
1S-1T, 28. September - 8. Oktober 2016

Our trip through England - 7S goes wild wild west!
In October the 7S went to England by coach. We went together with a class from the HBLA Lentia and a class from the Wallererstraße Gymnasium in Wels. Our first day we spent travelling to London on the coach for, like, 17 hours.
In London, we went through the city with our teachers (Prof. Hinterreitner & Fischer); after a long walk we had some free time there and we could go for food, shopping, anything we wanted.
Then we drove up to Cambridge, where we spent our first night. The very next day we visited the city and saw the beautiful university buildings there.
In Duxford we visited the Royal Air Force museum and it was very interesting.
We also saw Shakespeare´s birth house in Stratford upon Avon and on the next day we heard something about the Roman baths - in Bath. It was raining cats and dogs on the way back to the coach and we all got completely soaked!
Then,eventually, we went all the way down to Cornwall; on the way there, we spent some time in Tintagel, where we had the best weather ever!! The cliffs were so beautiful and impressive. We took a lot of pictures there.
The next highlight was surfing in St. Yves. Even though we had freezing temperatures, we went into the cold sea; most of us tried it for the first time, so it was pretty funny seeing your mates nose diving.
Very impressive also, was the theatre built into the cliffs by a single lady. It´s called Minnack Theatre and really worth visiting.
Our last stop was Brighton. We spent our free time at the piers and amused ourselves there, saw the Royal Pavilion and finally made our way home through France, Belgium and Germany on the coach.
Our 12 day trip felt like 5 days because we had so much fun there and got to know new people/friends from the other classes.