The English Week
6A, November 2014


In November 2014 6A spent an amazing week doing an English project with Ralph Connor and his friend and colleague Huw (of Monfreid & Fry Ltd. in Wales). Here are some of the students’ enthusiastic reactions:

This is how I would describe the week ………

amazing, fabulous, fun, best school week of the year, exciting, really varied, creative, just using English, interesting, awesome, really cool, legendary, great, super, helpful, we learned a lot, great week, was worth every euro, made me like to get out of bed in the morning, Lol …

What I liked best was ………

the teachers and their enthusiasm, the games and role plays, talking English all the time, our theatre performance, the fun we had together …

Thanks to this experience ………

I enjoy speaking / reading / learning English even more

our class has grown together and we have become closer

our confidence was strengthened and our imagination challenged

I got to meet two nice people and had a fun week and did my first theatre performance ever

I learned a lot and not just better English

We argued a lot and discussed a lot and it was fun

We played different characters throughout the week and improved our acting skills and we all got to know each other better

Elizabeth (our US-American exchange student): I had a fun week discussing the differences between the British and Americans.

We had to overcome our inhibitions, our shyness and stage-fright and we became pretty confident in speaking English

It was great and I really enjoyed the week. It was pretty awesome and thanks for coming to us!

We love you! You are the best!
Thanks, Ralph and Huw!



  Bericht: Mag. Susanne Haberfellner

letzte Aktualisierung: 17.12.14

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