Living Language Tree
4A, November 2014


On November 3rd , 2014 we (4A) started our project called “Living Language Tree“. Basically, it was some kind of a language week, but we didn’t have to go to the UK (what you normally do in grade 6 or 7). Actually British teachers came to us! – Ralph and Huw, who are really friendly, nice, caring and talented people. Okay, on Monday our teacher Mrs. Mitter came up to us with that really cool looking guy (his clothes were really British. If that’s possible…). After he had told us that his name’s Ralph, we played a little game to get to know each other. In the next lesson, another really nice guy entered our class room – Huw. We also played that game with him and soon even the quiet ones were talking. We learned so much about communication, especially about “non-verbal communication”, which means that actually it’s not always about talking.

Of course we didn’t only play games (we didn’t even notice we were getting so much better at grammar). We also did roleplays, interviews and so on. And last, but not least we did a performance in front of our parents, teachers and some 3rd formers at the Volkshaus in Linz on Friday. It seriously was one of the funniest things we’ve probably ever done. It was so much fun and it was amazing to see how even the shy and usually quiet ones were acting and talking in front of so many people.

We just want to say a massive and huge THANK YOU to Ralph and Huw again. It was a memorable week for us. Great job, guys! Respect. We also want to thank Mrs. Mitter for giving us the chance to do this.

letzte Aktualisierung: 22.11.14

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