Sprachwoche Cambridge
7C, Oktober 2014

On the morning of September 30, class 7C started their language study trip to Cambridge, England. After travelling to Vienna International Airport by train and bus we enjoyed our non – stop flight to Gatwick Airport south of London City. Having arrived in Cambridge, which is approximately 80 kilometres to the north of London, we finally had the chance to become acquainted with our host families who were providing accomodation for the next seven days.

Most of our host families' houses were located in residential areas out of Cambridge town area. Thus, our first topics of conversation with the families were organisational ones, for instance, how to find our ways to bus-stops, how to go downtown etc.

On the next day we had to find our way to City Centre for the first time. For most of us it was quite effortless to get there so we managed to convene in time. At 9 am we were introduced by our teachers of the language school and shown around in the building that was, quite unusually, a church. Wondering about the location, we learned that class is going to take place in there for the next days.

Our lessons mainly consisted of preparations for a project to be presented on the day before departure. As a key part of the project groups of two or three had to do surveys on their topic in local parks, bus stops and shopping malls. Evaluating the results of the surveys, students came to amazing conclusions which were diagrammed on posters.

Of course, there was not only school scheduled for the whole week – also a diverse extracurricular program was offered: Going punting on the river Cam in our luch break, orienation tours in the historic city and a varied evening's entertainment program taking place at Cambridge Leisure Centre, a proper gathering place for activities like bowling, snooker, cinema and theatre.

As a highlight of our language study travel, our teachers arranged excursions to London City on Saturday and Sunday. It was really convenient to go to London by train in one hour. On our first day we enjoyed a sightseeing tour including the most important tourist magnets. In the afternoon, students had the opportunity to explore shopping streets on their own account. On Sunday, we visited some multi-ethnic food markets near Liverpool Street and had lunch there. Again, afternoon was free time and the last possibility to get impressions of the city.

On October 7, we already had to leave Cambridge, knowing to miss the flair of the university town.

7C would particularly like to thank Prof. Tulzer and Prof. Piesl for accompanying us to England.

Report by Johannes F., 7C

letzte Aktualisierung: 20.10.14

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