7A, 30. September - 10. Oktober 2011


Together with Prof. Stummer and Prof. Fischer, 7A had the chance to spend a week on Malta at the beginning of October to do an English course and get to know the Maltese culture and history.

Here is their report, divided in three parts.

Our first trip

On Saturday our first trip in Malta was to Gozo. So we had to get up early in the morning to catch the bus, which brought us to the ferry. When we arrived at the island we started a great sightseeing tour around Gozo. The Great „Azure Window“, Ggantija and the „Cittadella“ were only a few of the beatiful sights which we saw there. After finishing the tour, we went to „Ramla Bay“ and had a nice afternoon at the beach.

Simon, Mathias, Matthias


On Sunday we went on a trip through the island of Malta, where we visitied a lot of famous Maltese sights and the capital city, Valletta.
It felt like travelling back in time, when we toured from the ancient times of Hagar Quim all the way through the history of Malta. We saw the old temples as well as the Blue Grotto and had a small walk through Valletta.
Over all it was a wonderful trip we will never forget.

Christoph, Eleni, Johanna

The people

At first we had problems to fit into our hostfamily. We didn't see them often and we couldn't talk to them much. But in the end it turned out that they were friendly and only a bit busy.
Our teachers in the EC language school were very friendly and open minded. We had brilliant discussions about interesting topics. We improved our speaking skills and got an insight into Maltese thinking.
In Malta 98% of all inhabitants are Roman-Catholics. They are very religious people and so they have 365 churches. In fact the people socialize very much and are very friendly and open minded.

Viki, Andrea, Suzi, Kerstin



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