7B, 6. - 13. Oktober 2011

On Thursday, 6th October, 7b travelled to England to improve their English skills. After a flight of two hours and a one hour lasting coach trip, we arrived in Cambridge in the late afternoon, where we immediately made the acquaintance of our host families. We used the rest of the day to get to know them better and improve our English skills by talking to native speakers.

On the following day we got a little tour through the city, where we saw the old colleges, the ADC theatre, in which now very famous actors made their beginnings, and some important places to orient ourselves.

On Saturday we went to the market of Cambridge, where there were a lot of booths in which you could buy widely different objects and some dainties.

The plan for Sunday was a trip to London by bus, where we could look at the most important sights, but sadly there was a marathon and so we had to cancel the sightseeing tour and so we could not see everything. Instead we went to three markets, where we could go shopping and then finally we spent our remaining money in Oxford Street, the biggest shopping street in London.

On Monday and Tuesday we made our last researches for the projects and on Monday evening we watched Stomp, a group of eight persons who make music with different things such as garbage and sweeten their show with humorous scenes. On Tuesday we went punting. For punting you steer the boat only with a long stick and without oversteering it. In the evening we visited the previously mentioned ADC theatre, where The Picture of Dorian Gray was played.

On Wednesday we added the final touch to our projects and afterwards we presented our projects to our teachers and classmates.

On Thursday morning we took the bus to get to the airport in order to start our homeward journey.

Report: Mag. Elisabeth Piesl


letzte Aktualisierung: 03.11.11

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