Project Animal Farm, 6B   

In October 2003 class 6B read the book “Animal Farm” by George Orwell. Our English teacher, Mrs Mitter also brought some exercise sheets on the book, with which we could improve our knowledge about Orwell’s more than satiric and interesting piece of work, for the next English test. We discussed the book and also got some background information, as the biograpy of Georg Orwell. It’s a book from which you can learn a lot, I consider.

Anyway, after we’d written the test, we had two hours time to design a poster. We were divided into groups, had to bring some pictures with us and finally, with the help of the Internet, we did great work. One group painted a lot, one found the “Seven Commandments” to be very important, one group made a very satiric poster and one group chose a lot of pictures. At its own style, each one looked great. However, two of our teachers had to decide which to be the winner of the contest. In the end, the satiric group won, but each poster is a masterpiece.

  by Michaela S., 6B

letzte Aktualisierung: 22.02.04

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